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Managed Cloud Services for AWS and GCP

Learn about the benefits of managed cloud services for AWS and GCP, including cost savings, enhanced security, and faster innovation. Explore key differences between AWS and GCP, and find out how to choose the right service provider.

Zan Faruqui
September 18, 2024

Managed cloud services simplify using AWS and GCP by handling technical tasks, allowing businesses to focus on their core activities. Here's what you need to know:

  • Managed Cloud Services Defined: Outsourcing daily technical management of cloud-based services and technical support.
  • Benefits: Includes cost savings, enhanced security, improved efficiency, faster innovation, expert support, and compliance assurance.
  • AWS vs. GCP: AWS has a broader service offering, while GCP specializes in big data, analytics, and machine learning.
  • Choosing a Provider: Consider expertise, cost, support, and your specific business needs.
  • Implementation and Management: Involves setting up, migrating, optimizing, and securing your cloud environment.

Managed cloud services offer a way to leverage cloud computing's power without needing in-depth expertise, making it easier to innovate, scale, and maintain security while managing costs.

Self-Managed vs Fully Managed

Self-Managed Cloud

  • You’re in charge of setting up, keeping an eye on, and fixing your cloud setup.
  • You need your own team who knows how to do this.
  • You can make it exactly how you want, but it takes a lot of work.
  • If something goes wrong, it’s on you.

Fully Managed Cloud

  • A company that knows what they’re doing takes over.
  • Your team can focus on making your main product or service better.
  • You get the benefit of their know-how.
  • It’s easier overall but you might not get to tweak everything.

Key Benefits

Choosing a fully managed service means:

  • Things run smoother.
  • You spend less money.
  • Your setups are more reliable.
  • You can try new things faster.
  • You can concentrate on what your business does best.


  • You might get too dependent on one provider.
  • You can’t change everything the way you might want to.

Optimizing Workflows

Managed services make work processes better:

  • Provisioning - Set up what you need, when you need it.
  • Deployment - Update your app or system easily.
  • Monitoring - Know right away if something’s not working.
  • Upgrades - Keep everything up-to-date.
  • Security - Make sure your stuff is safe.

This means less grunt work for developers and more time for making cool things. It also lets the tech team work on big-picture stuff.

Here are some real benefits:

  • 80% less time worrying about infrastructure.
  • 60% quicker to get new versions out.
  • 40% more chances to try new ideas.
  • 20% more productive developers.

By making workflows better, managed cloud services help you do more, faster, and with less fuss.

AWS and GCP Overview


Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are two big names in cloud computing. They offer a bunch of services to help businesses run online.

Both AWS and GCP give you:

  • Compute power (like having a powerful computer online)
  • Storage space (where you can keep all your data)
  • Networking (how your data moves around)
  • Databases (where your data is organized and stored)
  • Tools to understand your data (Analytics)
  • Tools to make smart applications (Machine Learning)
  • Ways to keep your data safe (Security)

Some key differences between them:

  • History - AWS started in 2006, and GCP started in 2008.
  • Market share - AWS is used by 32% of people, while GCP is used by 9%.
  • Services - AWS has more than 200 services, and GCP has over 90.
  • Specialties - AWS does a bit of everything, but GCP is really good at handling big data, machine learning, and analytics.

Feature Comparison

Let's look at what AWS and GCP offer in terms of features:



  • AWS - Has S3 for keeping objects, EBS for block storage, and Glacier for storing archives.
  • GCP - Offers Cloud Storage for objects, Persistent Disk for block storage, and Cloud Storage Nearline for archives.


  • AWS - Uses VPC to create a private network online.
  • GCP - Also uses VPC for private networks but adds things like firewalls and load balancing.

Analytics & ML

  • AWS - Has SageMaker for machine learning and services like QuickSight for analytics.
  • GCP - Uses tools like Cloud ML Engine and BigQuery for machine learning and data analysis.


  • AWS - Provides detailed access controls, security certifications, and threat detection.
  • GCP - Offers access management, key management, security analytics, and protection against DDoS attacks.

Pricing Comparison


Here's how the pricing compares for some of their services:

Service AWS GCP
Compute Pay by the hour Pay by the minute
Storage Pay per GB per month + transfer fees Pay per GB per month + egress fees
Networking Charges for data moving in/out Different prices based on network use
Analytics Pay per query or per TB processed Pay based on how much computing power you use
Security Pay for each security service used Set a monthly budget for security

Both AWS and GCP have different ways to charge you, but they both try to keep their prices fair. How much you'll pay depends on how you use their services.

Benefits of Managed Services

Managed cloud services come with a bunch of perks, especially when you compare them to handling everything on your own. They can help you spend less, scale more easily, beef up security, and tap into expert help.

Cost Management

When you work with a managed service provider, they help you spend less on the cloud in a few ways:

  • They figure out the exact size of the setup you need, so you're not paying for stuff you don't use.
  • They get special deals from cloud providers and pass some savings on to you.
  • They point out where you're spending too much and help cut it down.
  • Use smart tools to adjust your resources based on how busy you are, so you're not overpaying.
  • Give tips on how to avoid wasting money on things you don't need.
  • Help with planning your budget and keeping an eye on costs.

This smart planning can cut your cloud costs by about 25-30%.

Enhanced Security

Getting a managed service provider on your team means your security game gets a big boost:

  • They make sure everything's set up safely from the get-go.
  • Spot and deal with security threats fast.
  • Guard against big attacks that try to knock your services offline.
  • Keep you in line with the rules so you don't get fined.
  • Lower the chance of mistakes or sneaky insider threats.

With their help, you can keep your services running smoothly over 99.95% of the time and respond to security issues way faster.

Choosing a Provider

When you need help managing your cloud setup with AWS or GCP, picking the right service provider is key. Think about what your business really needs to find the best match.

Top Providers Comparison

Here's a simple look at some top managed service providers to help you decide:

Provider What They Offer Reviews Cost Help and Support
2nd Watch Helps with moving to the cloud, keeping things safe, and managing costs 4.6/5 You'll need to ask them Help is available any time, day or night
Cloudreach Makes apps better and helps with understanding your data 4.5/5 You'll need to ask them Always there to help, day or night
Logicworks Focuses on keeping things secure, meeting rules, and working with both cloud and on-premises setups 4.5/5 You'll need to ask them Help is available all week, but not on weekends

These companies are good at what they do, but they offer different things. Think about what's most important for your business to help you choose.


Here's what to look for in a provider:

  • Migration - How they plan and move your stuff to the cloud.
  • Optimization - Making sure you're using the right amount of resources and not overpaying.
  • Security - Keeping your data safe from hackers and managing who has access to what.
  • Compliance - Making sure you're following the rules and passing audits.
  • Support - How they help you with problems and manage your cloud setup.

Pick a provider that not only knows their stuff technically but also gets how to talk and work with you. The best choice will match what you need, fit your budget, and feel like a part of your team.


Implementation Guide

Getting Started

When you start working with a managed service provider, here's what usually happens:

  • Requirements gathering - The provider chats with you to understand what your tech setup looks like, what rules you need to follow, and what you want to achieve. This helps them set things up just right.

  • Account setup - They'll help you set up your cloud accounts with AWS or GCP, making sure only the right people can get in.

  • Migration planning - They'll look at your current tech and figure out the best way to move it to the cloud without causing problems.

  • Deployment and testing - They'll move your tech over, then test everything to make sure it works as expected.

  • Training - They'll teach your team how to use the new cloud setup.

  • Support transition - They start handling the day-to-day tech support, giving you contacts for any issues that come up.

Ongoing Management

Here are some tips for working well with your managed service provider:

  • Regular service reviews - Meet every few months to check how things are going, talk about money-saving ideas, and plan for the future.

  • Change request process - Use a set way to ask for changes or new stuff you need.

  • Shared tools and dashboards - Use tools that let you see how your systems are doing, how much you're using, and how much you're spending.

  • Alert protocols - Agree on how to handle warnings or alerts, including who responds and how fast.

  • Continuous optimization - Ask them to keep looking for ways to make things work better or cost less.

  • Workload balancing - Adjust your tech use up or down depending on how busy your system is.

  • Security posture - Regularly check your security setup to make sure everything's still safe.

Keeping things clear and organized with your provider means you'll get the most out of your cloud services over time.

Overcoming Challenges

When you start using managed cloud services, you might worry about not having enough control or getting stuck with one provider. But, you can handle these issues with some smart planning.

Loss of Operational Control

It might feel a bit scary to rely on someone else for important tech stuff. Here's how to deal with that:

  • Make sure you have agreements (SLAs) that clearly say how fast and well the provider needs to respond. This makes sure they're accountable.
  • Set up a system to check on things regularly, keep an eye on spending, and have a say in changes. This keeps you in the loop.
  • Use tools that let you see and manage your cloud setup yourself as much as possible. This keeps you flexible.

By having the right deals and systems in place, you can still feel in control and work well with your service provider.

Managing Multiple Vendors

If you're using different cloud services and providers, things can get tricky with:

  • Connecting different systems that don't always work the same way.
  • Working with many teams from different providers.
  • Keeping track of spending when it's all over the place.
  • Making sure everything is secure when different people are in charge.

Here's how to smooth things out:

  • Use tools that help manage all your cloud services in one place.
  • Try to work with fewer providers if you can, to make things simpler.
  • Set up common rules for security and other important stuff, no matter the provider.
  • Design your systems so they can work independently as much as possible, making it easier to manage.

With some careful planning and rules, you can manage using different cloud services without getting overwhelmed by the complexity.


Managed cloud services make it easier for companies to use the cloud without having to deal with all the technical stuff themselves. By working with experts who know how to manage cloud platforms, businesses can focus more on creating new things and achieving their main goals.

Here are the main benefits we talked about:

  • Reduced costs: These experts help use resources better and spend less money, which can lower cloud bills by 25-30%.
  • Enhanced security: Strong security actions and quick responses to threats mean services are up and running smoothly most of the time.
  • Improved efficiency: By automating routine tasks and managing the cloud setup, developers have more time to work on important projects.
  • Faster innovation: With fewer cloud-related headaches, teams can try out new ideas and develop new products quicker.
  • Expert support: Around-the-clock help and advice from people who really understand the cloud.
  • Compliance assurance: Making sure everything follows the rules related to security, privacy, and how data is handled.
  • Flexibility: The ability to mix and match services as needed, without being stuck with one provider or facing issues when changing services.

For any company using AWS, GCP, or a mix of cloud services, managed services are a smart way to make work processes better, use resources wisely, and control cloud spending. These providers act like an extra part of your team, letting you focus on making better products without worrying about the cloud setup.

Finding the right service provider means businesses can grow their cloud use and keep coming up with new ideas over time. The trick is to balance having control, making things easy, and working well together.

Which AWS services are fully managed?

Some AWS services that don't need you to manage the day-to-day tech stuff include:

  • Amazon DynamoDB: A service that lets you store and retrieve data without worrying about servers.
  • Amazon RDS: Takes care of setting up and running databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL for you.
  • Amazon ElastiCache: Helps your apps run faster by storing important data in memory.
  • AWS Lambda: Lets you run code without managing servers.
  • Amazon API Gateway: Makes it easy to create, publish, and manage APIs.
  • Amazon SQS: A messaging queue service that helps send messages between software components.

These services handle the technical side of things, so you don't have to.

What is managed service in GCP?

In Google Cloud Platform (GCP), managed services mean Google takes care of a lot of the technical work for you. This includes:

  • Compute Engine: Runs virtual machines for you.
  • Kubernetes Engine: Manages clusters of containers using Kubernetes.
  • Cloud SQL: Manages databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL.
  • BigQuery: Handles big data analytics without you having to manage the infrastructure.
  • Cloud Armor: Protects your apps from web attacks.
  • Cloud AI Platform: Offers machine learning services without the hassle of managing the infrastructure.

These services do a lot of the heavy lifting, making it easier for you to use GCP.

What are managed cloud services?

Managed cloud services mean someone else takes care of your cloud stuff. This can include:

  • Setting up and configuring your cloud space.
  • Helping move your data and apps to the cloud.
  • Keeping your data safe and meeting privacy rules.
  • Watching over your cloud to make sure it runs well.
  • Automatically adjusting resources so your apps run smoothly.
  • Helping out when you have tech problems.
  • Keeping an eye on costs and helping you save money.

The idea is to make using the cloud easier, so you can focus on your work.

What is an example of a cloud managed service?

Here are some examples of companies that help manage cloud services:

  • AWS Managed Services: Takes care of everything AWS for you.
  • Google Cloud Managed Services: Helps with all things GCP, from apps to machine learning.
  • Microsoft Azure Managed Services: Manages Azure cloud services for you.
  • Rackspace Managed Services: Helps with AWS, Azure, GCP, and hybrid clouds.
  • IBM Managed Cloud Services: Manages all types of cloud setups, including public, private, and hybrid.

These companies specialize in making sure your cloud services run smoothly, so you don't have to worry about the technical details.

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